[50$] Selfreg PVA Facebook Ukraine Account. Registered via SMS. Friends + Interesds + Docs (ID) + 2 FA + Avatar + Mail + Token EAAB + Cookies + User-Agent

In stock 0 pcs 7.50 $


Accounts created manually through a real android device, using high-quality proxies from Ukraine (Kyivstar, Vodafone, Lifecell). Created via SMS. Female profile, names in Cyrillic, Russian language. Mail included. A deep 10-day preparation of accounts has been completed.

Account preparation steps:

- Each account is created on an individually prepared android emulator, after which it is sent for a long stay from 1 month. Registration is made on private mobile proxies of Ukraine and Ukrainian phone number, which is subsequently unlinked.

- After the end of the period of inactivity, accounts are transferred to antidetect, where their deep 10-day preparation begins. At the first stages of farming, a profile is filled out, media materials are added in the amount of at least 5 unique photos, mail is attached and 2FA is installed. All actions performed correspond to the initial user activity without aggressive farming.

- At the next stages, the real activity on facebook is simulated corresponding to the real activity characteristic of a living person. This includes: liking, following, scrolling, commenting, posting, reposting, etc. As well as adding friends and interacting with them through live communication. As a rule, there are at least 35 friends on accounts. At the same time, adding Arabs and Indians to friends is excluded. Accounts are not farmed.

- In addition to internal work to imitate activity, external farming is carried out through visiting various sites, portals and services, aimed at securing the advertising interests of accounts. In addition, clicks are made on advertising in facebook itself for the same purpose. Thus, at least 5 interests are assigned to each account.

- As the profiles are prepared, the account gets acquainted with advertising tools and focuses on further work with advertising. A NEW FP on a gambling topic is being created, which goes through its stages of preparation, including the placement of three posts in the feed, as well as at least two reposts. At least 30 invitations to subscribe to the created page are also sent here.

- After creating the FP, a business manager is created, which is confirmed by mail. BM creates an advertising account with the US dollar currency.

- An important and separate stage is the initiation of a ban on advertising activities with its subsequent passage. Thus, the full-fledged cycle of preparation for the launch of future advertising campaigns is reproduced on the accounts.

- On the last day of preparation, all advertising tools are checked on the accounts again, the token and cookies.

As a result of the preparation, we get almost indistinguishable from real accounts, comprehensively developed, active and ready to launch advertising, due to the passed ZRD. They are suitable for use as kings or further dofarm. The total age of accounts is from 2 months. Docks included.

Recommendations: It is recommended that you log into your account and scroll for a few minutes before linking to auto-start systems.

Check your accounts before first logging in. The working state of accounts is checked by its id (https://www.facebook.com/ID) Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115 or by checker https://checkaccs.nppr.team/

After logging into your account, no changes are made. All accounts are verified in this way before listing for sale!

Two-factor authentication enabled on accounts. Every account includes 5 2FA codes and 2FA SECRET. Every account also includes 2FA SECRET to generate new keys via http://2fa.live/ or adding an account to Google Authenticator or analogs.

- Registration via the android or PC.

- Registration to a phone number (not included)

- Link to FB profile;

- Token

- Cookie

Format: Login|pass|Date of Birth|Link in profile|TOKEN|User Agent|COOKIE| 2FA|COD|Mail|pass mail|