[50$] Selfreg Facebook.Reg via SMS. Auto farmed for 7 days. Hold + 20+ friends + Profile picture + 2 FA + mail + Cookies + Token + User-Agent [Read description]

Accounts are registered automatically via MIX ip. Then the otlezhka is carried out within 2 days and preparation (farm) within 7-14 days. Gender Female.
Account preparation steps:
- Registration is done via mail, automatic software using high-quality requests from MIX geo. This is followed by 2 days of rest.
- Before pharming, the account is transferred to the antidetect on the Ukraine proxy, and after that all further work is performed. At the same stage, a profile is filled out and photos are added. And also mail is attached.
- The farming process includes imitation of user activity for 7-14 days.
- Pharming operations are a set of basic user interactions with a social network, such as: scrolling, liking, adding groups and / or reposts from them (at least 3-5), initiating correspondence with other real users (at least 3-5) and other activities.
- Activity is also performed outside of facebook, transitions are made to sites with a pixel, as well as registration on some of them.
- As work is being done on facebook, FP is created and filled in as a separate stage.
- Interaction and adding friends is done throughout the work. Can have up to 30 friends on accounts
- At the final stage of preparation, the advertising account is checked, the token and cookies are retrieved.
Preparation is carried out in several sessions and takes up to 2 weeks, during which time the account acquires activity inside and outside FB. The time spent in accounts corresponds to the average time spent in the social network. Accounts are not farmed.
Two-factor authentication enabled on accounts. Every account includes 2 2FA codes and 2FA SECRET. Every account also includes 2FA SECRET to generate new keys via http://2fa.live/ or adding an account to Google Authenticator or analogs.
Check your accounts right after buying! The working state of accounts is checked by its id (https://www.facebook.com/ID) Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115 or by checker https://checkaccs.nppr.team/
After logging into your account, no changes are made. All accounts are verified in this way before listing for sale!
- Registration via cellphones;
- Added an avatar;
- Registration by mail;
- Mail included;
- Cookie;
- User-agent;
Format: Log:pass|email:pass|fb link|ins|2fa|2facodes|UserAgent|TokenEAAB|Coockies