[50$] Facebook Old account from France. Reg in 2014-2024. + REINSTATED BM. 2FA+ Friends 20-100 + BIO + Mail + Cookie [Read description]

Old Facebook account from France, created via real devices in 2014-2024. Mail is linked and included. Accounts are ok for running ads and for warmaup or any other purposes. Advertising account limit is $50-250. Cookie may not invluded.
You can found an ad in the feed, interests, friends, bio, other info on accounts, other interactions inside facebook, interactions with external sites with pixel.
- In case of a checkpoint on a number(SMS), selfie, etc. No replacement!
- 2FA May not enabled.
- FB may not allow to change password, and\or ask code from old email. Its not a reason for replacement.
Product warranty (Product replacement):
- If there are problems with access to the account or email.
- If the account was already banned before the purchase. Date of blocking before the purchase
- If there is a ban of the Ad account. If you sent an appeal, then there is no replacement.
No warranty (No replacement):
- If the account was banned after any actions. Login, card binding, password change, FP creation, object transfer, etc.
- If the account was banned due to inactivity the next day (Guarantee until the end of the day). No claims are accepted in this case.
- If cannot change timezone or currency. If you get error with card adding, or FB cannot hold funds when card adding. You need to try again, or use a different card.
- If the email does not change or an SMS is required to the number for change. In this case, you need to let it rest for a while.
- The design, name, and other information in the accounts are not a reason for replacement. If there are no friends, this is not a reason for replacement.
Check your accounts before first logging in. The working state of accounts is checked by its id (https://www.facebook.com/ID) Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115 or by checker https://checkaccs.nppr.team/
After logging into your account, no changes are made. All accounts are verified in this way before listing for sale!
Manual delivery. Allows to avoid invalid product and receive 100% valid goods.
Format: login:password | mail:mail password | 2FA