[50$] Facebook France Account. 2FA + Mail + Profile picture + Token + Cookies + User-Agent.

In stock 72 pcs 0.48 $


France Facebook accounts. Created via anti-detect browser, confirmed by SMS during creation. Also confirmed by mail, MAY NOT INCLUDED.

Check your accounts before first logging in. The working state of accounts is checked by its id (https://www.facebook.com/ID) Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115 or by checker https://checkaccs.nppr.team/

After logging into your account, no changes are made. All accounts are verified in this way before listing for sale!

- Registration manually via the emulator;

- Added avatar;

- Registration to a phone number (not included);

- Link to FB profile;

- Token;

- Cookie;

- User-agent;

Format: link|name|login|pass|mail|mailpass|2fa secret|data|cookies|useragent|EAAB|ads id