[50$] PVA Selfreg Facebook Account. King + 9 ads managers. Manually prepared for 9 days. 4 NEW FP + 2FA + Avatar + Mail + Token + Cookies + User-Agent

Selfregs registered through the NOX emulator. Registration is done by SMS (No number included) to Ukrainian mobile ip (Vodafone-Kyiv). A 7-day preparation was completed with the binding of 9 advertising cabinets per account. Created 4 FPs. Mail included.
Account preparation steps.
- Registration is done manually by SMS. Before starting work, a small rest is done. Simultaneously with registration, an avatar is uploaded and mail is attached. In addition, the background is filled in, and the profile is also filled in.
- At the next stage, a 7-9 day account preparation begins. There are up to 9 farming sessions lasting about 15 minutes. Accounts are not over-farmed.
- On accounts, a complete imitation of the standard activity of a real facebook user is performed. This includes communicating with other users through private messages, searching for thematic communities according to pre-set interests, joining, commenting on posts, as well as liking them. Tape scrolling, random video viewing.
- Due to activity, correspondence and facebook offers, the account acquires friends, which in the end there are at least 15 on the account.
- Running activity in its own feed. For 7 days of preparation, at least 3 posts are published in the feed, as well as reposts are made. Additional photos are being uploaded.
- Separate stages of pharming is the preparation of an account for subsequent advertising activities. This includes completing Blue Print courses, as well as creating and partially completing four Fan Pages new expirience.
- At the very last stage, 9 additional advertising cabinets are added to the account, all advertising tools are checked, the token and cookies are extracted.
Preparation allows you to achieve a live, advertising-ready account with high-quality preparation and everything you need to launch
It is recommended to run ads via auto-start system on all ads managers at the same time. However, if adding to dolphin or another system, results in a ban, the account will not be subject to replacement. To avoid bans, you may need to first log into your account through antidetect.
Recommendations: It is recommended that you log into your account and scroll for a few minutes before linking to auto-start systems.
Check your accounts before first logging in. The working state of accounts is checked by its id (https://www.facebook.com/ID) Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115 or by checker https://checkaccs.nppr.team/
After logging into your account, no changes are made. All accounts are checked by this way before listing for sale!
Two-factor authentication enabled(MAY NOT ENABLED). 2 FA codes included. Also included a key to get new codes via site 2fa.live or Google authenticator. If you log in with a username-password, Facebook will ask for a 6-digit secret code. To generate codes, use site 2fa.live or Google authenticator mobile application or the https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/authenticator/bhghoamapcdpbohphigoooaddinpkbai extension. For ISSUER text anything, and SECRET included, it looks like 8 groups of 4 characters each.
- Registration via NOX. Mobile IP Ukraine;
- Registration by SMS;
- Cookie;
- User-agent;
- Token EAAB;
Format: login | pass | fb id | user-agent | token EAAB | cookies