[50$] Selfreg PVA Facebook Account from USA. Reinstated BM. BM + Profile picture + Mail + Token + Cookies + User-Agent

There is may only one BM its normal.
Manually registred Facebook accounts from USA are registered to a phone number using a mobile IP, via a real device. Account confirmed by mail. Invitation link may not included.
Attention! ZRD PASSED ON BM | REUNSTATED BM. Account(facebook profile) never get any restrictions. Account hold an reinstated BM.
Check your accounts before first logging in. The working state of accounts is checked by its id (https://www.facebook.com/ID) Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115 or by checker https://checkaccs.nppr.team/
After logging into your account, no replacement are available. All accounts are verified in this way before listing for sale!
- Registration on real smartphones
- Registration for phone numbers (1 account - 1 number, numbers are not included);
- Registration for mobile proxies, (1 account - 1 IP)
- Created and connected mail (included);
- Cookies;
- User-Agent;
Format:id|acc_mail:passfb|mail:passmail|b-day date|name|user-agent|Cookies