[50$] Softreg PVA Facebook Account with Business Manager. Verified by E-Mail. Ads manager are created.

Softreg PVA Facebook Account. Rissian IPs. Business Manager was created. Verified by E-Mail. Ads manager has been created. The limit is $ 50. Warranty - 24 hours. Replacement, in case of restrictions on BM or account was on checkpoint.
- Registration by mail (1 account - 1 mail, not included);
- Registration for mobile ip of Russia, (1 account - 1 IP);
- Created and connected mail (not included);
- You can link your phone number;
- Created BM;
- An ads manager has been created in BM;
- FP was created;
- Token EAAB
- Cookies
- User-Agent
Some features of working with Russian softregs with BM in 2021.
On what accounts we have not worked for all the time, both empty and old and with activity, but almost all of them were united by one thing, these were softregs. Now it all comes down to the fact that this type of accounts must have the basic elements needed to run. Profile photo, fan page and BM. This is the necessary and minimal set for work today, and you can call them Russian facebook softregs with BM 50 $ . Today we will talk again why they do not lose their relevance and are in great demand everywhere.
Why Russia? I think there is no need to explain here, it's all about accessibility, as well as the availability of all the necessary consumables for running ads. Agree that American bank cards are quite difficult to get for accounts from the United States. Therefore, from beginners to pros, everyone chooses Facebook accounts with a business manager. Due to the created BM and an ads manager on it, you can not waste time on selecting accounts to add a separate BM to it
Overview of the delivery set of accounts.
For more comfortable work and its greater variability, a token has been created, and a user agent has been added. This is the information you need for a specific ad launch style. If you are an adherent of the old school and are used to doing everything by hand through an antidetect browser, then there is good news for you, you can link your phone number to your account and use it to recover in case of checkpoints. Today you can enter both by login with a password, and by cookies, and both methods take place, determine for yourself what is best for you. In any case, buying a Facebook account with BM will be better.
An important point today is account tracking, it must be carried out after logging in and start working no earlier than 12-24 hours later. You also need to link the payment method after a while. Facebook does not like those who are in a hurry, for the most impatient there are other types of accounts. And here it is better not to rush. It's not enough to buy a facebook softregs with a token, you still need to competently prepare them for work, this is one of the most important stages of preparation, the whole future fate of the account depends on it. These are not all recommendations; there is no single list of rules or recommendations. We are talking about the most important things, and even in spite of these mistakes, lie in wait for you here too. If you have any questions about your accounts, you can contact us for technical support, our specialists will advise and help you with any questions.