[50$] Softreg PVA Facebook Account. Profile picture + Mail + Token EAAB + Cookies + User-Agent

- Registration on Android (Russia, Moscow, MegaFon, Beeline)
- Registration for phone numbers (1 account - 1 number, numbers are not included);
- Registration for mobile proxies, (1 account - 1 IP)
- Created and connected mail (included);
- Token EAAB
- Cookies
- User-Agent
Format:id | acc_mail: passfb | mail: passmail | birthday | name | user-agent | token_EAAB | Cookies
Working with Facebook acoounts with token and how they differ from other types of accounts.
How not to get lost in the variety of choices on the market of accounts, when everyone is vying with each other to add more and more new features to their offers. In this article, we will figure out what is really important when choosing accounts, and which ones are better not to even consider buying. Immediately it is worth drawing a line on the price, it is better to discard an unjustifiably expensive product right away. And start your searches with cheaper deals.
Let's set as our goal the maximum launch efficiency and saving time, if these parameters are close to you, then the following information will be very useful. Such a classic approach as entering each account and preparing it is gradually becoming a thing of the past, because one affilate marketing specialist, per day, can make a limited number of such operations. But if you slightly optimize its work by means of integration into the process of launching an auto-fill system and equip it with what is usually called Facebook softregs with a token, then everything will become more interesting.
There is no longer any need to go to antidetects, spend time in accounts and set up ads on them manually. With the development of services for the advertising gulf, everything is done with one button! Figuratively speaking, of course. Let's consider the scheme in more detail, the first thing to do is to buy Facebook softreg accounts, but not anyhow, but with the same token through which all management takes place. Add accounts to the system, providing them with mobile proxies and user agents, if necessary. And then the magic begins, everything that can only be imagined from many actions in the account is done by a button, create an FP - a button, bind a map - a button, and this is just the beginning. In addition, all actions can be performed in batches, for example, link cards to 100 accounts at once. Usually it takes 1-2 minutes, think how much you would do it manually.
Using facebook softregs with mass creation Ad tool.
I think you have already figured out that buying a Facebook account in a single copy is pointless to work with this approach. You need to buy 50-100 accounts at once. Okay. You have linked your cards and are ready to launch ads. You only need to configure everything once, upload a bunch of creatives, domains and a list of texts, if you use them. And then the launch, by pressing the button, all 100 accounts are sent for moderation! Imagine that if at least half of them are launched, and in the current reality this is not bad, then how much traffic you will get. It's almost impossible to compete with you when launching in this way.
We disassembled facebook accounts in the context of mass launch through special software and understood why and what kind of accounts we need. If you have any questions, or we haven’t said anything about something, then feel free to write in support of our store. We will solve all the issues related to the purchase, as well as give a couple of tips. The accounts sold with us have passed numerous checks and meet our high quality standards. And they are affordable for everyone, and this is one of our priorities.