[USD] Selfreg Google Ads account from NPPR TEAM. USA. Reactivated. Advertiser verification complete. + Docs Manually farmed + Billing 10.

In stock 0 pcs 98.00 $


ATTENTION! Advertiser verification is complete. More info here - https://support.google.com/adspolicy/answer/9703665?hl=en

Account was reactivated.

Accounts are new and ideal for advertising. All accounts were registered without SMS, which confirms the trust at the registration stage. For registration and further farming of these accounts, our private mobile proxies in USA were used. Hold at liest 1 month. Card is already added, billing 10$ on every account. Accounts are new, no campaigh was started. On all accounts of this position, it is necessary to confirm 2FA when logging into Google ADS. You can use any phone number to do this.

Some of the stages of farming:

- Warming up the account via YouTube video hosting includes key search, scrolling, liking, disliking, as well as watching videos. Activity daily.

- Active use of the search engine, search by keywords, visiting sites, full imitation of the activity of a live user.

- Visting and organization of activity on sites (including blogs, online stores, services, etc.) with Google Analytics.

- Registration and organization of activity in social networks and other social services, such as (the list is not complete): twitter, pinterest, tumblr, academia, etc.

Farming includes many more steps than listed here. We deliberately do not disclose the entire scheme of work, in order to maintain the high quality of the accounts. As a result of farming, accounts are obtained that are practically indistinguishable from the accounts of real people.

Product Guarantee (Replacement):
- In case there are access issues.
- If the account or advertising account is already banned upon login.
- If product not verified or not reactivated.

No Guarantee (No Replacement):
- If the account or advertising account (ads account) gets banned after any actions: linking a card, creating a campaign, launching ads, etc. Suspicious payments, Circumventing System or Unpaid Balance do not qualify for replacement.
- If the account or advertising account gets banned due to inactivity or for any other reasons the next day (guarantee is valid until the end of the day). No claims will be accepted in this case.
- If login using cookies (cookie import). In this case, there is no guarantee.

Country: USA

Registration method: Web version. Manual registration.

Used prints: Windows

Account currency: USD


- You need to log into your account with the antidetect browser and the proxy of the geo account.

- immediate start will not work (you know what we mean).

- Accounts must be authorized in the browser.

- Use only high quality proxies.

- Don't set high budgets.

 The maximum time to check your account is until the end of the day. All accounts are checked and valid. After start an AD, accounts cannot be replaced.

Format: login:pass:submail:submail_pass:cookie