[50$] Selfreg Facebook from USA. Manual preparing up to 14 days. Interests + Docs + Friends + AGED + 2 FA + FP + Profile picture + Mail + UserAgent + Cookies. Read description.

Accounts are created manually on ip addresses of Ukraine. Female profile, Russian language, names in Cyrillic. Ads country - Ukraine, currency - dollar. Deep preparation was carried out for 14 days. Sms can be recieved via support.
The preparation steps include:
- Registration of accounts was carried out manually through an original mobile app and high-quality mobile ip of Ukraine. Registration completed with SMS confirmation. Aged out 1 day before the upcoming work
- Once created, accounts go through a minimum period of inactivity before farming can begin. Activity begins with filling in accounts, setting an avatar, specifying all kinds of information about yourself, linking mail, activating 2FA, etc.
- Preparation done at liest 14 days. During this time, 14 full-fledged sessions of deep imitation of live human activity are held. Includes: scrolling, liking, commenting, posting, reposting, following. As well as correspondence with other users, adding friends, who in the end have at least 60 accounts. In addition, scrolling video feeds, and ad clicks are performed.
- FP is created as a preparation stage for about 2-3 sessions. The FP has its own farming stages, including filling, posting, etc. The FP can have subscribers.
- To form a more complete portrait of the user, farming is carried out on sites outside of Facebook. Many sites are visited that may have random registrations. Such as registration, authorization, scrolling and other activities.
- At the last step of preparation, the advertising account is re-checked, the token and cookies containing the cookies of all third-party sites are retrieved.
Thanks to the work done, the account does not differ from the account of a live user. Provided high non-repetitiveness and non-patterned actions during operation. Advertising interests have been assigned to the accounts, they have undergone a long stay after pharming and are completely ready for work.
Check your accounts before first logging in. The working state of accounts is checked by its id (https://www.facebook.com/ID) Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115 or by checker https://checkaccs.nppr.team/
After logging into your account, no changes are made. All accounts are checked by this way before listing for sale!
- Registration on real mobile phones (Ukraine)
- Registration to phone numbers (1 account - 1 number, the number is not included);
- Registration for mobile proxies, (1 account - 1 IP)
- Created and connected mail (included);
- Profile completed;
- Added friends;
- Created Fan Page;
- Cookies;
- User-Agent;
Format: Логин|пасс|почта|пасс от почты|имя фамилия|дата рождентя|юзер агент|токен|куки