[50$] Manual registration PVA Facebook Account. Ukrainian ip. Business Manager + Profile picture + Mail + Token EAAB + Cookies + User-Agent

Manual registration accounts for Ukrainian ip. Manual registration accounts are better suited for launching ads instead softregs, due to their durability. Registerd on a mobile phone, with a preliminary warming up of cookies and subsequent transfer to antidetect, as well as a small warming up. Business Manager (BM | BM) created, FP created, token received. Mail in BM is NOT verified. ads manager has not been created. The limit is $ 50. Suitable for "first billing style".
Time to check - 24 hours. Replacement without problems, in case of invalid.
- Registration from a mobile phone. IP Ukraine.
- Created a business manager via Instagram. The limit is $ 50.
- Added an avatar.
- Fan-page created.
- Mail included.
- Date of birth included.
- Cookie. Full browser cookies including third party cookies.
- User-agent.
- Token.
Format:Login:password:mail password:date:ID:User-agent:token:cookie
Advantages of self-registrated accounts (selfregs)with BM, relative to other types of accounts.
Talking about accounts, perhaps even more than about Facebook itself. In professional circles, this topic has long become the main one, and in chats and conferences, accounts today are the cornerstone of all success in the field of advertising. Parsing all types, advantages and disadvantages is not the goal of this article. We will talk about one, but very important type - self-registrated accounts (selfregs).
For many, this is a familiar slang, along with the words "retrieve" and "active", do you remember? For the uninformed, let's explain. The word selfreg means that someone did something himself, namely, created an account. We will no longer litter the text with this word, now, we will simply call them just facebook accounts with bm, or something like that. The reader, in any case, did not hit the advertising market yesterday and understands what this is about.
The accounts themselves, due to their special type of registration among professionals, first of all, cause respect for the work performed. They can work alongside regular softregs, another type of account that we've talked about several times already, but sometimes they show results that softregs can't do. What kind of black magic is going on here?
What are the specific advantages of self-registers?
Human. This is the main advantage. When the machine does all the work, its actions are unchanged from time to time, it repeats them over and over again, this leads to one problem, self-learning anti-fraud systems can detect activity unusual for an ordinary user and send all accounts for verification at once. In the case of our accounts, a person does not even need to think about it, he always does everything a little differently, somewhere it may be a minus, but here it is undoubtedly a plus! Therefore, everyone wants to buy a facebook account with bm ukraine, just of this type.
The benefits don't end there. In the process of creation, people who are working on registration can slightly warm up the account, and these will be different actions, which in the future will have a beneficial effect on his life. Among other things, their strong point is the price, it is usually a little higher than the analogs created by the machine. Now we are talking exclusively about our own store, where you can buy a Ukrainian BM Facebook account for almost the same price.
In our opinion, this product is a cut above its peers, which is why softregs are still more popular, even according to our internal statistics. We believe that it is a matter of conservative and unwilling to try anything new advertising specialists. The price can differ by 10 percent, you see, there is no room for savings. You need to change your approach to work, if you overpay 10 percent once, you can win in profit twice as much as before!